Megatree - Multipurpose Mega Store PrestaShop-thema

6 months of support Bij een product krijgt u 6 maanden ondersteuning van de auteur. Om meer te weten te komen over wat is inbegrepen lees het ondersteuningsbeleid.

shoppingBag Verkoop: 88

Created: 29 mei 2019

Updated: 17 mei 2021

ID: 81363

og体育首页ONE - Onbeperkte Downloads voor $12.40/mnd

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Megatree - Multipurpose Mega Store PrestaShop-thema - Features Image 1Megatree - Multipurpose Mega Store PrestaShop-thema - Features Image 2Megatree - Multipurpose Mega Store PrestaShop-thema - Features Image 3Megatree - Multipurpose Mega Store PrestaShop-thema - Features Image 4Megatree - Multipurpose Mega Store PrestaShop-thema - Features Image 5

Megatree Prestashop Responsive Theme is volledig aanpasbare functies en geschikt voor e-commerce websites of multifunctionele winkels. Megatree-themapakket inclusief één klik (Quick Start) om een replicatie van onze thema-demosite op uw winkelwebsite te krijgen met dezelfde inhoud, afbeeldingen, thema-instellingen en lay-outs. Megatree-thema heeft een aantal functionele kenmerken van een moderne sjabloon voor multifunctioneel gebruik bij het bouwen van een website en het ondersteunen van de nieuwste versie van Prestashop.


#Update History


  • Improved theme design and fixed miscellaneous issues.


  • Fixed miscellaneous issue and improved design quality.


  • Fixed quick start package issue.


  • Upgraded theme package for support latest version of Prestashop.


  • Fixed some miscellaneous CSS issue with theme layout.


  • Fixed some miscellaneous css bug.
  • Update theme package for fully support latest version (1.7.6.x) of Prestashop.

11 Reviews for this product

nice template. installed quickly and easily. my helpdesk questions resolved quickly. good service
Thank you.
This theme is great, the submodule is good, configuration is flexible and easy
Thank you.
I installed this theme in our website and it is good and the service very fast and solved our requirements. 5 Stars for Template Mela 0 Stars for Templateog体育首页 (we have a lot of problem with them)
Thank you.
great communication and good job :-) thanks for all thanks so much ;-)
Thank you. :)
We strongly recommend to use this template or any other TemplateMela ones - the author's assistance is great, quick and competent answer, they have help us developing the website just the way we wanted to. Megatree is a very beautiful template, highly customizable and with huge responsive features. A great thanks to these guys for their refined products.

0 Comments for this product

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Customer Support

4,5 /5
Support rating (165 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 140 4 4 3 1 2 4 1 16
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik



PrestaShop Compatibility:

PrestaShop Engine:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: